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Additional Furnishings

Enhance your outdoor setting by providing additional amenities for your guests. Simple add-ons like picnic table umbrellas, bench sleep inhibitors, park grills, and bike racks help to provide a welcoming outdoor space.

Amenity accessories can help make your space more comfortable, enjoyable, and convenient, encouraging people to spend more time outdoors and make the most of the beautiful weather.

All Your Amenity Accessories in One Place

Accessories to Include:

  • Park grills: Park grills are an essential component of any outdoor recreation area. They provide a convenient way for visitors to cook and enjoy food while spending time in nature and are an important element in creating a welcoming and enjoyable outdoor experience for everyone.
  • Planters: Enhance your playground or park with planters that bring vibrant greenery and help create a welcoming environment for visitors of all ages. Durable, weather-resistant materials ensure long-lasting performance, while customizable designs allow you to match your community’s aesthetic.
  • Bike racks: Bike racks can be found in public places such as parks, schools, and transportation hubs, as well as in private settings such as office buildings and residential complexes. They provide a convenient and secure way for cyclists to park and lock their bikes and can also help reduce congestion and improve the overall safety of public spaces. Bike racks are an essential part of any bike-friendly community, encouraging people to use bicycles as a healthy and sustainable mode of transportation.


Ready to enhance your outdoor space with high-quality playground and park benches?

Contact our team today for expert guidance, custom quotes, and project support. Let’s build community-friendly environments together!