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Pour-in-Place Surfacing – What You Need to Know

Pour-in-Place Surfacing – What You Need to Know

Site Preparation

  • Area must be excavated to remove all organic materials that will decompose, settle, & affect surfacing

  • Drainage must be addressed as safety surfacing is porous

  • Suitable sub-base & edging installed (options below)

  • ADA compliant grading needed


Sub-base Options:

  1. Crushed Aggregate – Comprised of a 4” minimum of 3/4” crushed stone

  2. Concrete – Existing concrete must be free from major cracks & damage. New concrete must have a minimum of 14 days to cure.

  3. Asphalt – Existing Asphalt must be free of any major cracks & damage. New Asphalt must have a minimum of 30 days to cure & must be power washed 3 separate times

Types of sub-base for PIP surfacing

Edging Options (Borders):

A.     Concrete

B.    Treated Timbers

C.    Rubber Curbs

D.     Beveled Edge- Angling surfacing down to grade (can’t be done with stone)

E.    Turn Down Edge- Angling surfacing down below grade, to be later back-filled by EWF, grass, etc. *PIP will not adhere to plastic timbers*

PIP surface edging options

About the PIP System

  • Thickness of surfacing is dependent on the fall height of the play equipment

  • Wear course is made of TPV, cushion layer is made of Chunk (pre-consumer, post-industrial rubber)

  • Wear course only installations (no attenuating layer) must be installed over asphalt or concrete

  • Areas within the use zone of equipment must contain safety surfacing (communicated in square footage)


Urethane Options:

A.    Aromatic (Standard, subject to amber)*

B.    Aliphatic (Premium, does not amber)

 *Ambering effect is temporary & mechanically wears off over time. It is an issue with aesthetics but does not hurt or compromise the longevity of the rubber.

ambering effect on PIP surfacing

Color Blends:

  • 50/50 color is most popular (50% colored granules, 50% black granules)

  • Other blends include 75%/25%, 33/33/33, etc., up to 100% color.

  • Black/Colored granules are different types of rubber,

    higher color concentration leads to a stronger surface (50% black is the max)


Maintenance/Installation of PIP Surface

  • Routine cleaning of debris on surface, power washing when necessary, Using approved products to clean surfacing. Work performed by owner

  • Maintenance spray coating strengthens the urethane bond of the pad, Makes existing colors more prevalent and increases longevity. Recommended every 3-5 years based on use. Work is performed professionally.

  • Repair options include patch repairs, seam repairs, perimeter repairs, or ½” wear course re-tops. Work is performed professionally.

  • 50° and rising and no precipitation needed for installation. 70° for aliphatic.


For more information about pour-in-place rubber surfacing, please contact us.

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