Environmental Sustainability in Education


Did you know that our rainforests are being cut down at a rate of 100 acres per minute? This is even more startling when you consider that tropical forests are home to roughly 50% of all species on Earth. With the increasing urgency of addressing environmental issues, it is more essential than ever to add environmental sustainability to the heart of our children’s education. Young minds must grasp the importance of preserving our natural resources and their importance in conservation. Educators now need to play a part in delivering this crucial knowledge and engaging and empowering the next generation to make changes toward a sustainable future.

Sustainability in elementary education means incorporating environmentally friendly practices and principles into children’s daily routines, activities, and curriculum. Participating in this type of learning gives children opportunities to develop an understanding of the natural world, their place in it, and how to care for it. At Play Mart, we create more than recycled plastic playground equipment. We create the opportunity for schools and communities to learn about and appreciate our planet and have a world of fun along the way!

Here are some ways elementary schools can teach sustainability and create a healthy environment for children to thrive:

Methods For Teaching Sustainability

Understanding the interconnectedness between different elements of our ecosystem and social structures is a key concept in sustainability education. Delivering this knowledge requires a strategic approach, aligned with curriculum standards, emphasizing hands-on engagements, real-world case studies, and connections to the natural world.

While building a solid knowledge base is crucial, the essence of sustainability education lies in developing the skills needed for active contribution. The true pinnacle of sustainability education is when knowledge translates into meaningful action. This involves applying what is learned in the classroom to real efforts, such as school sustainability programs, collaborating with local organizations, or participating in community-based projects. It encourages students to lead and take ownership of their green initiatives and teachers to take on the role of guides and coaches.

If you’re wondering where to start, here are some practical methods for starting environmental education with your kids:

Nature-based Learning:

Every green school should take the classroom outside whenever possible. Outdoor play and exploration is a great way to help children connect with nature and develop a love for the environment. Play Mart believes outdoor play helps children cultivate curiosity, creativity, and exploration. Our outdoor classroom products allow teachers to take their lesson plans outdoors so children can explore and learn about nature in nature. This line includes raised garden beds, water troughs, outdoor chalkboard and acrylic board, picnic tables, nature bowls for exploring different natural materials, and more.

Make Playtime Green

We are particularly passionate about this one at Play Mart! Aside from outdoor learning spaces, eco-friendly playgrounds are truly the hub of any sustainable school or childcare facility. Playgrounds hold a special place in a child’s heart and growth, offering a space to unleash their energy, make friends, and develop physically and mentally. As the name suggests, sustainable playgrounds focus on using recycled materials, sustainable practices, and eco-friendly designs that cater to our children’s well-being and our planet’s health.

Eco-friendly play structure: Bear Mountain from Playmart

Benefits of An Eco-Friendly Playground

Play Mart’s sustainable playgrounds are more than just a space for kids to frolic. They embody deep-rooted impacts, shaping the environment and the values we pass on to future generations. Unlike traditional playgrounds made from metal, wood, or conventional plastic, eco-friendly playground equipment has additional benefits like a reduced carbon footprint, increased durability, lower maintenance, and more.

Our products, made from our proprietary RSP formula, engage children in eco-friendly practices and, most importantly, strengthen the community by fostering a shared responsibility for the environment. Learn more about the advantages of Play Mart’s sustainable materials.

Building An Eco-Friendly Playground

The first step is to choose the right playground equipment. Beyond that, eco-friendly playgrounds should be surrounded by green space and native plants whenever possible. It is important to include eco-friendly amenities like recycling bins, trash cans, and seating. Since the purpose of these playgrounds is education, use signage that talks about recycling, the environment, and local flora and fauna. Our Message Centers are the perfect place to post seasonal educational information. Finally, look for environmentally friendly surfacing materials, like recycled rubber mulch, which offers cushion from falls.

Waste Reduction and Recycling:

Playmart trash receptacles built with recycled materials


Teaching children the importance of reducing waste, recycling, and using materials efficiently can be a great way to engage children in environmental sustainability. This can be done by sorting recyclables and reusing materials for art projects. One way students do this is by going on garbage walks where they clean up litter they find. Take the opportunity to discuss how their playground equipment is made from plastic composed of recycled milk jugs and internally recycled materials, all manufactured in a facility powered by solar panels!

Gardening and Sustainable Food Practices:

Another way to encourage environmental sustainability is by showing children how to plant vegetable gardens on school grounds. It’s a great way to learn about growing their own food and how to care for and nurture plants. Kids can get hands-on during the whole process, from planting seeds to watering, weeding, and harvesting. Of course, we can’t forget the most important step—eating!—which encourages a healthy diet. Compost any scraps to teach kids about the importance of minimizing food waste. Look at Play Mart’s line of gardening equipment to find everything you need for your school garden.

Start a Green Club

Your school may have a book club, an art club, maybe even a ping-pong club, but does it have a Green Club? Elementary schools have a unique opportunity to nurture environmental curiosity into a lifelong commitment by creating a Green Club. We Are Teachers has some great tips for getting a Green Club started at your school:

  1. Start with a Cause: Green Clubs thrive with a defined focus. Determine a project or cause upfront, like creating a butterfly garden or boosting recycling efforts. This gives the students a tangible goal to work towards and demonstrates to parents and the school’s administration the seriousness of the club.

  2. Enlist Support: Starting a Green Club can attract support from unexpected sources. Local businesses, libraries, and the wider community may all have resources that can be tapped into. Don’t hesitate to ask around.

  3. Maintain Focus: With so many environmental issues at hand, it’s easy to be stretched thin. Encourage students to keep notes and identify additional projects for the future, but ensure the current project remains the primary focus. Regular meetings and updates help maintain momentum and keep everyone on track.

  4. Publicize Your Progress: Highlight the club’s efforts. Social media, newsletters, and the school website are ideal for spreading the word. Sharing progress not only raises awareness but also imbues the students with a sense of pride.

  5. Celebrate: After achieving a milestone, take the time to honor the club’s achievements. Whether it’s a party, a dedicated assembly, or a simple recognition, celebrating encourages students and bolsters their pride in their accomplishments.

  6. The Journey Continues: After taking a moment to appreciate your efforts, it’s time to identify the next environmental initiative. The best Green Clubs evolve throughout the school year, encouraging an ever-widening circle of participants in their quest for a greener future.

Tips For Environmental Sustainability Education

Environmental sustainability is a crucial topic that needs to be incorporated into our educational curriculum, especially at the elementary school level. Giving youth an early understanding of their ecological footprint cultivates a generation of proactive, responsible individuals. In this regard, Professor Beth Conklin from Vanderbilt University provides insightful suggestions on how to teach about sustainability effectively.

Start Small

The scale of environmental problems can be overwhelming, leading to feelings of discouragement and disengagement in students. However, you can counteract this by discussing environmental success stories. Show them examples of people or movements contributing to reducing pollution, conserving resources, and promoting ecological resilience. This offers students a vision of the future where they have the power to bring about positive change rather than succumbing to fear or cynicism.

Keep it Guilt-Free

Instead of enforcing a strict, moralistic approach to sustainable living, engage students in conversations about their definitions of happiness and quality of life and whether these align with high consumption and resource use levels. Interestingly, many students conclude that there’s no strong correlation between the two, opening a platform for discussions on alternative lifestyles and their positive implications.

Use Positive Peer Pressure

Effective teaching also requires fostering an environment of peer engagement and support. Collaborative projects and group discussions offer opportunities for debating, problem-solving, and reflecting, building the critical thinking and leadership skills necessary for our future leaders.

Present the Data

Another great technique is to involve students in analyzing environmental data. Rather than spoon-feeding them information, let them grapple with the data themselves. This approach helps them understand ecological issues with more depth and nuance. Look at this fact sheet, which provides staggering statistics about our environmental impact that are easy for children to understand. This exercise offers insightful teaching moments and empowers students to critically analyze environmental problems and potential solutions.

Sustainability Across Subjects

Lastly, embracing an interdisciplinary approach is key. Addressing environmental sustainability involves insights from various disciplines, such as the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. As educators, stepping out of our comfort zones and exploring diverse topics can enrich the learning experience for our students and stimulate fresh thinking.

Join Play Mart in Raising the Next Generation of Sustainability Superheros!

Ensuring our young ones learn about environmental sustainability today can mean a world of difference tomorrow. A holistic approach supports academic rigor, fosters key skills, encourages action, and prepares our younger generation for a healthier future. As we nurture a greater sense of civic engagement, we inch closer to a more sustainable future where our children are not just educated about sustainability but proactive champions of the cause.

Contact Play Mart today and take the first step towards making your school community a hub for environmental education for the next generation.

This post was originally published in https://playmart.com/environmental-sustainability-in-education/